Get Involved
Looking to use your voice in a greater way? Become an advocate! Advocates raise awareness and/or funds on behalf of Not4Sale. Being an advocate allows you to play to your strengths. Are you great at hosting? Maybe you gather your friends for an information night. Or perhaps instead of birthday gifts you ask for donations to Not4Sale. Interested in fundraising? Are you a maker and maybe a portion of the proceeds go to Not4Sale? Or perhaps you’re clearing out a closet or having a garage sale where you can donate the funds.
Click below for more information on becoming an Advocate and/or fundraiser, including resources to help you get started or continue on your journey as Not4Sale Advocate.

When you support Not4Sale financially, you are directly affecting the life of a child in need. You’re changing their world – giving them hope, a home and a chance at a new start.
Whether you become a monthly donor or give a one time gift, we thank you for being a part of the fight against human trafficking.
As a team member, you can help out on a local level by serving at events and markets and learning alongside others on how to fight human trafficking in your world.
There are also ways to be involved on the team in a more permanent role with opportunities like social media, event planning, donor relations, and more. If you are interested in being part of the team on another level, please connect with us so we can find a great fit for you!

What you wear says a lot about you. When you wear Not4Sale merch, what you wear can say a lot about what you stand for. You can be a walking billboard for the fight against human trafficking.